... following the singing and taking requests to play songs that everyone can remember. john larkin, 79, of regent's park estate, has been going to the sessions. he said: "i find it very uplifting. i like all the old songs; ... some who have dementia and other mental and physical disabilities. this pilot project is being funded and supported by a sainsbury's grant, camden council, and national music therapy charity nordoff-robbins which has it headquarters in camden. ...
Easy A is filming at Nordoff High School in Ojai, CA all week. (Thanks Shannon). Get him to the Greek is filming at the Greek Theatre in LA at night through tomorrow. (Thanks Shannon). On 6.18 & 6.19, The Back Up Plan is filming at 21 ...
The Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre helps build bridges of communication with sick and physically and intellectually disabled children and is based on the Nordoff-Robbins approach which emphasises improvisation and other creative techniques . ... THE MISSION ESTATE CONCERT is very proud to announce STING -- accompanied by a 50 piece symphony orchestra and band -- will extend his critically-acclaimed Symphonicity tour to take in New Zealand's biggest annual concert on ...